The Visible Ape Project offers several anatomy visualization modes for 6 extant ape species: Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, Orangutans, Gibbons and Siamangs as well as for humans. Types of visualization include Dissection Photography, Brain MRIs, CT scan based 3D Models, Artist Rendered Anatomical Reconstructions, and Scientific Illustrations.
Browse by species or content type below.
Keep up to date with the latest news, events and releases from the Visible Ape Project.

Summer 2023: Visible Ape Project in remote rural and forest areas of Laos
Rui Diogo went to remote rural and forest areas of Laos

Summer 2022: Visible Ape Project in remote rural and forest areas of Rwanda, Uganda, and Gabon
Rui Diogo went to remote rural and forest areas of Rwanda, Uganda and Gabon

Visit to Lagos Center of Ciencia Viva in Portugal
​Rui Diogo went to Portugal to undertake outreach activities for the Visible Ape Project, including activities with kids at the Lagos Center of Ciencia Viva, talks about human evolution, and the 3D printing of the 3D ape models that were used for those activities in Portugal and that will also be used in Uganda and Rwanda for outreach activities within rural communities and schools.

Visit to Denver and Philadelphia
Dr. Nicole Barger recently visited Denver and Philadelphia to share the Visible Ape Project with biological anthropologists and anatomists at the meetings of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists and American Association of Anatomists.

Published in a Portuguese Newspaper -Jornal de Noticias
Access anatomical information collected by an international and multidisciplinary team composed of researchers and students from the fields of anatomy, anthropology, and biology focused on evolution. The Visible Ape Project, a project funded by the US agency National Science Foundation (NSF), aims to raise awareness in the community about the enormous similarities between the anatomy of humans and endangered apes. Read more

3D Printing of Visible Ape Project Modals for Kids
We are currently in the process of building 3D models that will open up fun and interactive learning curves that would normally take years to traverse. Stay tuned for updates on this existing new initiative.

VAP Researchers publish article on human muscle variations and anomalies
Principal investigator Rui Diogo and postdoctoral researcher Eve Boyle published an article in a special collection of Current Molecular Biology Reports. Their article summarizes what we know about the muscles that are typically present in the apes but are only present in humans as variations or anomalies. The article features an original anatomical illustration by Vondel Mahon. Read more

le Scienze publishes article on the VAP
Science journalist Sara Mohammad writes about the history, educational impact, and future of the Visible Ape Project in the Italian edition of Scientific American. Read more

University of Barcelona celebrates VAP launch
University of Barcelona published an article celebrating the contributions of faculty member Josep. M Potau to the Visible Ape Project. Read more

University of Aveiro celebrates VAP launch
University of Aveiro published an article celebrating the contributions of current student, Saul Martin, and past student, Rui Diogo, to the Visible Ape Project. Read more: English | Portuguese

Valladolid University celebrates VAP launch
Valladolid University published an article celebrating the contributions of its faculty and researchers to the Visible Ape Project. Read more

VAP Scientists at NMNH 'The Scientist is In' Series
Visible Ape Project Team Members Eve Boyle and Laura Martinez-Inigo present as a part of the National Museum of Natural History's 'Scientist Is In' Program series. Read more

New VAP E-Learning Content Release
The Visible Ape Project just released new lesson plans and learning activities! Check them out on our Educator Resources page,